26th Flora Expo 2025
  • +977-1-5269089, 9768773802
  • info@nepalfloraexpo.com.np


Floriculture Association Nepal (FAN) was established on 15th Nov. 1992 with the ten founder members. It is a not for profit, non-governmental and national level professional business membership organization under the Nepalese laws and acts. The FAN is an autonomous body working with the sole objective of and supporting the overall development of the floriculture sub-sector in Nepal. Promotional activities of the FAN focus on organizing and participating in trade fairs and exhibitions, study tours and observation visits, operation of wholesale outlet, conducting market research and analysis.

FAN works for the benefit of its members including flower growers/producers, wholesalers and retailers. It has various activities that help in enterprise growth to ultimately establish floriculture as an export-oriented industry in Nepal. In addition, FAN focused on enhancing product quality and market promotion of its members utilizing various tools and techniques.

To help in the sustainable growth of the national economy through the promotion and development of the floriculture sector in Nepal.

To enhance the Nepalese floriculture sector in becoming globally competitive by the overall development of floriculture entrepreneurs.

Flora Expo Events:
FAN has been organizing several promotional activities such as training, workshop publications, trade & exhibitions, among these activities Floriculture Trade Fair is one. Flora Expo has been recognized the world over as one of the most effective tools of marketing for the floriculture business. FAN has been organizing the floriculture trade fair since 1994.

The FAN has already organized 3 International & 24th National flora expos in Kathmandu. Development activities of the FAN are more focused on technical aspects such as training, trial productions (gladiolus, chrysanthemum, rose, and tuberose), mother plant distribution (gerbera), production analysis, developing business plans, and feasibility studies. The FAN’s publications including reports, souvenirs, and directories are useful in transferring technology and knowledge among the entrepreneurs. FAN also provides institutional support. The 25th National Flora Expo was successfully organized by FAN in Kathmandu Nepal in 2024.

Once again Floriculture Association Nepal (FAN) will be celebrating the 26th time of its premier event- “26th Flora Expo 2025”. This mega-event has evolved into Nepal’s largest show of its kind. Today, the Floriculture Exhibition/Trade Fair stands for growth, power, professional competence national and internationality in the field of floriculture industrial growth. It has, therefore, become a reflection of the dynamic development of the floriculture market. This event provides a common platform for manufacturers, traders, exporters, and importers. It will be held in Bhrikutimandap Exhibition Hall, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 14-17, 2025 (2081 Chaitra 1 to 4).